In a recently published large international study the findings show that taking a low-dose aspirin as a preventative for heart attack or stroke is no longer recommended for adults age 70 or over, according to guidelines released in March 2019. The new recommendations...
IS IT HOLDING YOU BACK? Imagine, that you are sitting in a restaurant. At some point during the meal, you notice that your heart is beating faster than normal and that there is a slight pressure in your chest. You feel like you are having difficulty getting a breath...
There are hundreds of detox diets and programs out there that promise the consumer quick fixes for weight loss, improved energy, better digestion, and other reasons. For many of these people, they may have been indulging in an unhealthy lifestyle for too long...
Dietary fat serves many important functions and is good for the body when the right fat is consumed. Secondly, having excessive adipose tissue—body fat—does not denote that a person lacks self-control or will power, but is the result of an inappropriate diet. Humans...
We’ve been told to avoid high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in our daily diets, but what is it? It is a particular type of sweetener that is derived from cornstarch. In order to create high fructose corn syrup, enzymes are added to glucose and converted into another...
The awareness of evidence regarding aluminum exposure and its negative effects on our bodies is growing. Researchers have been linking aluminum exposure to neurological disorders such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons, ADHD, and even cancer for years. In fact, “there has...
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